PODCAST: Emotional Intelligence (Ready for Love Radio)
Ready For Love Radio
Emotional Intelligence is one those things that can be really confusing – mainly because emotions are just so… confusing -- to those for whom emotional intelligence and empathy are skills they are developing. For many people, however -- and this is especially true of women who culturally are more likely to get the practice needed to develop emotional intelligence and empathy -- emotions are as easy to navigate as movement is easy to navigate to a dancer (who, incidentally, tend to be somatically intelligent). Mothers also often just feel what their children need in a way that is often mysterious to men. Women's Intuition is also a way that we sometimes refer to emotional intelligence and empathy.
On this show, my friend Nikki and I will try to unravel some of the mysteries around emotions and emotional intelligence. The questions we discuss are listed below.
The show premieres on Thursday, April 27th at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT
Here's the link: http://www.readyforloveradio.com/emotionalintelligence/
(If you miss the show and the replays – the archive will be posted there too)
Airing on www.newvisionsradio.com
Some questions we discuss –
What is emotional intelligence?
How does it help people engage with each other in their lives?
Is it the same as empathy?
What are the components of emotional intelligence (and for that matter, of all types of intelligences)?
What’s another good way to look at emotional intelligence?
What blocks emotional intelligence?
Why is it important to teach emotional intelligence to our children?
What does it look like to do this, especially with babies and toddlers?
What does it look like to become emotionally intelligent for an adult and especially a man?
What are some of the challenges?
What do inner parts have to play in the development of emotional intelligence?
What are some of the things women and men can do to support the development of emotional intelligence in men?
What will a society with emotionally intelligent men and women look like?
How does emotional intelligence connect with attachment styles?
Join us on Thursday, April 27th at 9 pm ET/6 pm PT for all the answers here: http://www.readyforloveradio.com/emotionalintelligence/